Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh
Trapiche Itapalluni Colonial Mining Dataset |
The data files SPECIAL.TXT and SPECIAL.XSLX provide information on special artifacts recovered through excavations carried out at the Trapiche site. SPECIAL.TXT is comma delimited UTF-8 CSV file; SPECIAL.XSLX contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line in the CSV file represents one special artifact recovered from a particular context. There are 19 lines, each with 26 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:
1 | Box N°: Numerical ID of box in which special artifact was kept. |
2 | Inventory N°: A unique inventory number given to a bag. Numbered with the year of excavation (2018), followed by a unique number in sequential order. Note: Numbers were not given in any particular order, just in the way they were processes in the laboratory. |
3 | Sector: The site of Trapiche was divided into 3 sectors: A, B, and C. |
4 | Locus: Each individual context (level, feature, wall, etc.) was given a unique locus number. |
5 | Patio/ Recinto: Each unit was placed within a recinto (building) or a patio. |
6 | U.E.: Excavation Units 4-25, without a 5 or 22. Each unit without a cuad extension is 1x1m. |
7 | Cuad.: If the unit had a 1x1m extension, it was given the designation Cuad 1. Additional extensions were numbered sequentially (2, 3, …). |
8 | Bag N°: The first number of the bag number is the Locus. Then bags were numbered sequentially within each Locus. For example, within Locus 100, bags were numbered as such: Locus 100-1 for lithics, Locus 100-2 for botanicals, Locus 100-3 for fauna, Locus 100-4 for soil sample, etc.). |
9 | Bag _ of _: This indicates if there were multiple bags for the same sample. |
10 | Screen size: Indicates size of screen used to recover artifact. |
11 | Total Count: Number of special artifacts in bag. | 12 | Total Weight (g): Total weight of all special items within a bag. |
13 | Excavators' Initials: Initials of excavator |
14 | Date excavated (DD,MM,YY) |
15 | Curators' Inicials: Initials of the laboratory assistant who curated sample. |
16 | Date Curated: Date of laboratory curation. (DD,MM,YY) |
17 | Analysts' Initials |
18 | Date analyzed (DD,MM,YY) |
19 | Material: Brief description of special artifact (musket ball, spindle whorl, etc.) |
20 | Material Type: Lead, ceramic, copper etc. |
21 | Color: Description of color of artifact. |
22 | Portion: Complete, fragment, ½, 2/3, 1/4, etc. |
23 | Description: Specific description of special artifact. |
24 | Measurements: Measurements of length, width, depth etc. of special artifact/unique feature in mm. |
25 | Weight (g): Weight of special artifact in g |
26 | Comments/Observations: General comments/observations. |
The first line of the CSV file, for example, looks like this:
13,2018-151,B,094,Recinto 15,16,1,094-1,1 de 1,1/4 in,1,20.94,SAK,17/8/2018,KDC,22/8/2018,SAK,15/11/2019,Musket ball,lead,light gray,complete,"small musket ball, potentially from arcbus, with a spiral mark from potential mold",14.81mm len; 15.73 mm wid,20.94
This means that the artifact comes from box 13, inventory number 2018-151, section B, locus 094, recinto 15, U.E. 16, cuad 1, bag number 094-1, bag 1 of 1, screen size 1/4 inch, a total count of 1, a total weight of 20.94 grams. It was excavated by SAK on 17/8/2018, curated by KDC on 22/8/2018, analysed by SAK on 15/11/2019. The material is a musket ball, material type is lead, color is light gray, it is a complete artifact, its description is "small musket ball, potentially from arcbus, with a spiral mark from potential mold." It measures 14.81mm len; 15.73 mm wid, and has a weight of 20.94 grams.
Download the file SPECIAL.CSV (6.58 KB) or the file SPECIAL.XLSX (16.4 KB).