Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Trapiche Itapalluni Colonial Mining Dataset
Sarah A. Kennedy

Heavy Fraction Artifact Analysis

The data files HEAVY.CSV and HEAVY.XSLX provide information on various artifacts included among the heavy fractions collected through flotations carried out at the Trapiche site. HEAVY.CSV is a comma delimited UTF-8 CSV file; HEAVY.XSLX contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line in the CSV file represents one type of artifact recovered from the heavy fraction at a particular context. There are 398 lines, each with 29 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:

1 Box N°: Numerical ID of box in which fragment of faunal remains was kept.
2 Bag N°: The first number of the bag number is the Locus. Then bags were numbered sequentially within each Locus. For example, within Locus 100, bags were numbered as such: Locus 100-1 for lithics, Locus 100-2 for botanicals, Locus 100-3 for fauna, Locus 100-4 for soil sample, etc.
3 Sector: The site of Trapiche was divided into 3 sectors: A, B, and C.
4 Recinto/Patio: Each unit was placed within a recinto (building) or a patio.
5 U.E.: Excavation Units 4-25, without a 5 or 22. Each unit without a cuad extension is 1x1m.
6 Cuad.: If the unit had a 1x1m extension, it was given the designation Cuad 1. Additional extensions were numbered sequentially (2, 3, …).
7 Locus.: Each individual context (level, feature, wall, etc.) was given a unique locus number.
8 Material: Remain code/name in Spanish during excavation (ceramica, otro, oseo animal etc.).
9 Bag _ of _: This indicates if there were multiple bags for the same sample.
10 Screen Size: Size of screen used to extract artifacts as a post-floatation screening of the heavy faction sediment, which took place in a laboratory, passing the heavy fraction through a set of four graduated sieves.
11 Total Bag Count: Number of artifacts of a specific type within a bag.
12 Total Weight (g): Total weight of all artifacts of a certain type within a bag.
13 Proc. Initials: Initials of the person who processed the materials.
14 Proc. Date (DD,MM,YY): Date it was processed.
15 Analysts' Initials
16 Date analyzed (DD,MM,YY)
17 Material: Description of material type in English.
18 Type: More specific description of artifact type.
19 Class: (Only for animal remains) Mammalia, Mammalia (small), Aves, Aves (small), Reptilia, Chondricthyes, Actinoptergii.
20 Species: (Only for animal remains) Species of artifact.
21 Element: (Only for animal remains) Cancellous bone, rib, uid fragments etc.
22 Portion: Portion of original bone, tool, etc. represented by artifact.
23 Color/Material: Color and relevant material/inclusions.
24 Description: General description of artifact/remains
25 Burning: Visual evidence of burning (black, black/white etc.).
26 Measurements: Measurements of length/width of artifact in mm.
27 Indiv. Count: If the materials were the same, they were analyzed and entered in the same data line and counted and weighed together. If the materials from the same bag were different, they were entered into separate lines and counted and weighed separately.
28 Indiv. Weight (g): If the materials were the same, they were analyzed and entered in the same data line and counted and weighed together. If the materials from the same bag were different, they were entered into separate lines and counted and weighed separately.
29 Comments/Observations: Additional comments and observations about artifacts.

The first line of the CSV file, for example, looks like this:

16,078-3,A,Recinto 5,11,0,078,Oseo Animal,1 de 2,4mm,1,0.08,SS,12/10/18,SAK,16/11/2018,Animal bone,bone,Mammalia,UID,cancellous/spongy bone,fragments,-,uid fragment,-,,1,0.08,

This means that this artifact comes from box 16, Bag 078-3, section A, recinto 5, U.E. 11, cuad 0, locus 078. The artifact is an oseo animal, was bag 1 of 2, the screen size used was 4mm, had a total bag count of 1, and a total weight of 0.08 grams. It was processed by SS on 12/10/18 and analysed by SAK on 16/11/2018. The material is animal bone, type is bone, class is mammalia, it is an unidentifiable species, the element is cancellous/spongy bone, the portion found was fragments, described as "Unidentifiable fragment," the individual count was 1 and the individual weight was 0.08.

Download the file HEAVY.CSV (73.3 KB) or the file HEAVY.XLSX (64 KB).

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