Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh
Trapiche Itapalluni Colonial Mining Ceramic Dataset |
The data files CERAMICS.TXT and CERAMICS.XSLX provide information on ceramic sherds recovered through excavations carried out at Trapiche site. CERAMICS.CSV is a comma delimited UTF-8 CSV file; CERAMICS.XSLX contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line in the CSV file represents one ceramic sherd. There are 3,030 lines, each with 59 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:
1 | Artefact ID: ID for each ceramic sherd. |
2 | Inventory Bag No.: A unique inventory number given to a bag to ID it. They are numbered with the year of excavation, 2018, followed by a unique number in sequential order. The numbers were not given in any particular order, just in the way they were processed in the laboratory. |
3 | Bolsa: An alternative bag number, different from "Inventory Number." The first number is the locus, then bags were numbered sequentially within each locus. For example, within locus 100, bags were numbered as such: locus 100-1 for lithics, locus 100-2 for botanicals, locus 100-4 for soil sample, etc.) |
4 | Excavator/Collector: Initials of excavator/collector. |
5 | Fecha: Date artifact was recovered. |
6 | Sector: The site of Trapiche Itapalluni was divided into sectors A,B,C,D, and E. Excavations only occurred in sectors A, B, and C. |
7 | Unit: ID of Unit in which artefact was found. Surface collection units were 2 m x 2 m and placed in locations of dense artifact scatter. “Dense” is defined as 10 or more artifacts within 4 m². Excavation units were 1 m x 1 m. |
8 | Unit Type: Indicates whether unit was subject to excavation or surface collection. |
9 | Cuad: Indicates 1 m x 1 m square expansion of initial excavation unit. Units with multiple expansions have Cuad values greater than 1. |
10 | Locus: Indicates the specific stratigraphic context of an artifacts provenance. |
11 | Patio: Unique ID of patio where artifact was recovered. |
12 | Screen Size: Indicates size of screen used to recover artifact. |
13 | Period: Archaeological Period from which artifact originates. |
14 | Conjoining Sherds: Indicates sherds with which ceramic artifact is associated. |
15 | Diagnostic: Indicates whether sherd can be used to determine vessel form. |
16 | Sherd Type: What portion of a vessel a sherd represents. |
17 | Ware: Type of ware ceramic represents. |
18 | Style: Local or Colonial. |
19 | Vessel Form: Jar, plate, olla, etc. |
20 | Function: Storage, cooking, serving, etc. |
21 | Irregular Contours: Unique features of form. |
22 | Fabric Type: Manufacture type (earthenware, etc.). |
23 | Fabric Colour: Color of sherd. |
24 | Fabric Texture: Texture of sherd (fine, medium, coarse). |
25 | Firing State: Conditions of firing environment. |
26 | Inclusion %: Percent of surface area represented by inclusions. |
27 | Inclusion Shape: Shape of inclusions (rounded, angular etc.) |
28 | Inclusion Sorting: Well, moderately, poorly, etc. |
29 | Inclusion Visibility: Low, medium, high. |
30 | Construction Method: By hand or by wheel. |
31 | Construction Evidence: Scraping, finger imprints, etc. |
32 | Base Form: Form of ceramic base (flat, convex, etc.) |
33 | Base Thickness (mm) |
34 | Base Wall Junction Form: Form/structure of junction between base and wall of ceramic. |
35 | Base Wall Junction Thickening: Presence/absence of thickening at junction between base and wall of ceramic. |
36 | SA Exterior: Presence of slip, paint, etc. on exterior surface of ceramic. |
37 | SA Interior: Presence of slip, paint, etc. on interior surface of ceramic. |
38 | SA Colour Exterior: Color of ceramic exterior. |
39 | SA Colour Interior: Color of ceramic interior. |
40 | SA Coverage Exterior: Percent of exterior surface of ceramic covered by application (paint, slip, etc.) |
41 | SA Coverage Interior: Percent of interior surface of ceramic covered by application (paint, slip, etc.) |
42 | SA Locus: Whether application is present on exterior surface, interior surface, or both. |
43 | Decoration Locus: Whether decoration is present on exterior surface, interior surface, or both. |
44 | Design Elements Exterior: Unique molded elements present on exterior of ceramic. |
45 | Design Elements Interior: Unique molded elements present on interior of ceramic. |
46 | Handle Detail: Presence of ornate details of handle of ceramic. |
47 | Handle Form: Shape/form of ceramic handle (flat, curved, etc.) |
48 | Handle Locus: Relative location of handle on ceramic. |
49 | Handle Orientation: Vertical or horizontal |
50 | Handle Thickness (mm) |
51 | Handle Width (mm) |
52 | Lug Diameter (mm): A lug is a flattened protuberance, bump, or extrusion located on the side of a ceramic. It may have been used as a handle. |
53 | Lug Form |
54 | Lug Locus |
55 | Lug Thickness (mm) |
56 | Lug Width (mm) |
57 | Mouth diameter (mm) |
58 | "Residue, burning, fluorescence": Presence of residue or other indications of burning or fluorescence on exterior/interior of ceramic |
59 | Comments/Observations: General comments/observations regarding ceramic sherd |
The first line of the CSV text file, for example, looks like this:
I,2018-042,00-1,JVGA/SAK,12/08/2018,B,UE-19,Excavation,,001,Recinto 24,1/4 inch,Colonial,,No,Body,Unglazed red,, ,,,Earthenware,Brown and Red,Medium,"Oxidised int., incomplete ext.",2-5 %,,,Modertate - smaller visible inclusions (no gritty feel),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Burnt (ext.),"Likely part of the same pot: PAT-001-1,5,6"
This means that the ceramic sherd has the artifact ID of I, inventory bag number 2018-042, bolsa 00-1, and the excavator was JVGA/SAK on 12/08/2018. It was in sector B, unit UE-19, which was processed through excavation, in locus 001, and patio recinto 24. The screen sized used was 1/4 inch. It is from the Colonial period. Has no conjoining sherds, it is not diagnostic, it's sherd type is body, and is unglazed red. The fabric type is earthenware, with brown and red color, and a fabric texture of medium. The firing state is "Oxidised int., incomplete ext." The incision is 2-5%, with moderate incision visibility with "smaller visible inclusions (no gritty feel)." There is also burning. Comments are "Likely part of the same pot: PAT-001-1,5,6."
Download the file CERAMICS.CSV (945 MB) or the file CERAMICS.XLSX (.875 MB).