Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh
Yaxha Household Dataset |
The data files LITHICS.TXT and LITHICS.XLS provide lithic artifact counts for each lot, along with the collection lot location information. Lithic artifacts are dated by association with the diagnostic ceramic. The tool category, material used, and class are also provided. LITHICS.TXT is a comma delimited ASCII text file, LITHICS.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line in the ASCII file provides the number of a given type of artifact in the lot. There are 550 lines, each with 9 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:
The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:
2,3,1,B,1,Indeterminado,Cuarcita,Pulida,Clásico Terminal
Which means that in lot 2 of unit 3 in the suboperation (patio) 1 of operation (residential unit) B (Cheje) one undetermined tool class, made of quartz (cuarcita) was found. The tool category was polished (pulida) and it dates from the Terminal Classic period.
The last (550th) line of the ASCII text file is:
1,4,3,H,1,Núcleos discoidal,Pedernal,Tallada,Clásico Terminal
Which means that in lot 1 of unit 4 in the suboperation (patio) 3 of operation (residential unit) H (Chichicua o Chacaj) one nucleos discoidal tool class, made of chert (pedernal) was found. The tool category was tallada and it dates from the Terminal Classic period.
Download the file LITHICS.TXT (34 KB) or the file LITHICS.XLS (101 KB).