Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Yaxha Household Dataset
Laura Lucía Gámez Díaz

Ceramic Analysis

The data files CERAMICS.TXT and CERAMICS.XLS provide ceramic counts for an excavated lot, along with lot location, and the pottery type-variety analysis. The period assignment is also provided. The ceramic counts are broken down by vessel shape, and part of the vessel. CERAMICS.TXT is a comma delimited ASCII text file, while CERAMICS.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line in the ASCII file corresponds to a ceramic type within a given lot. There are 1121 lines, each with 21 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:

1 Operation. Each operation corresponds to a residential unit, as follows:
    B = Cheje
    C = Cedro
    D = Saraguate
    E = Escobo
    F = Corozo
    G = Pacaya
    H = Chichicua and Chacaj
2 Suboperation. Each suboperation corresponds to a patio within an operation.
3 Unit. A test pit within a suboperation.
4 Lot. It refers to the stratigraphic layer where an artifact was collected.
5 Class. Pottery produced during a specific time interval within a specific region.
6 Group. Collection of closely related types that are similar in form and color, and are roughly contemporaneous.
7 Type. Represents an aggregate of visually distinct ceramic attributes; it may have one ore more varieties.
8 Variety. Minor, but significant, variation within the type.
9 Number of lip sherds belonging to cooking pots (ollas) or jar (cántaros).
10 Number of body sherds belonging to cooking pots (ollas) or jar (cántaros).
11 Number of lip sherds belonging to bowls (cuencos).
12 Number of body sherds belonging to bowls (cuencos).
13 Number of lip sherds belonging to plates.
14 Number of body sherds belonging to plates.
15 Number of lip sherds belonging to cups (vasos).
16 Number of body sherds belonging to cups (vasos).
17 Number of lip sherds belonging to incense burners.
18 Number of body sherds belonging to incense burners.
19 Number of lip sherds belonging to other vessel shapes.
20 Number of body sherds belonging to other vessel shapes.
21 Chronological period asigned to this particular variety and type.

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:

B,1,3B,1,Uaxactun s/Engobe,Cambio,Cambio S/Engobe,Cambio,0,10,0,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,Clasico Terminal

Which means that the sherds came from Operation B, suboperation 1, test pit 3B, and lot 1. The class is Uaxactun s/ Engobe, and the group is Cambio. The type is Cambio s/Engobe, and variety is Cambio. The lot contains only 10 body sherds of either cooking pots (ollas) or jars (cántaro), and 8 body sherds of bowls (cuencos). The lot was dated as being from the Terminal Classic period.

The last, or 1121st line of the ASCII text file is:

B,1,5,1,Volador Engobe Dull,Paxcaman,Picu Inciso,Pico,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,Posclasico

Which means that the sherds came from Operation B, suboperation 1, test pit 5, and lot 1. The class is Volador Engobe Dull, and the group is Paxcaman. The type is Picu Inciso, and variety is Pico. The lot contains only one lip sherd of a plate. The lot was dated as being from the PreClassic period.

Download the file CERAMICS.TXT (108 KB) or the file CERAMICS.XLS (265 KB).

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