Comparative Archaeology Database | Center for Comparative Archaeology | University of Pittsburgh
Filandia Settlement Dataset
The data files below provide information about soil types within the survey area based on the following maps generated by the Agustin Codazzi Geographic Institute, Colombia:
Digital Map of Land Use Capacity of the Department of Quindío, Republic of Colombia. Scale 1:100,000 (1998) Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute. (Last accessed Sept 26, 2024).
Digital Soil Map of the Department of Quindío, Republic of Colombia. Scale 1:100,000 (1998). Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute. (Last accessed Sept 26, 2024).
These maps provide important information about soils through the description and interpretation of their edaphogenetic environments, their physical, chemical, mineralogical and morphological characteristics, their taxonomy, and spatial distribution. The variables that make up this attribute table are defined in the above maps and expand the description of each category, users are invited to consult those documents for additional information. The IDs in this numeric data table correspond to those in the map of "Soil Classes" provided in the spatial data section of this dataset.
[Comma delimited UTF-8 format]
[Excel format]
Each line in the .CSV file represents one area. There are 7 lines, each with 11 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:
1 | UCS: Unified Soil Classification |
2 | UCS_F: A subclass of the Unified Soil Classification |
3 | Paisaje: Landscape |
4 | Clima: Climate |
5 | Tipo_Relie: Relief Type |
6 | Litologia: Lithology |
7 | Procesos_G: Geologic Processes |
8 | Caracteri: Refers to the relief and the degree of slope. |
9 | Caracter_1: The characteristics of soils based on their depth, drainage, acidity, fertility and acidity. |
10 | Componente: Component |
11 | Suelo: Floor |
The first line of the .CSV text file, for example, looks like this:
CB,CBg2,Montaña,Medio húmedo y muy húmedo,Filas y vigas,Cenizas volcánicas y rocas metamórficas,Escurrimiento difuso y concentrado,"Relieve fuertemente escarpado, laderas largas","Superficiales a moderadamente profundos, excesivamente drenados, texturas gruesas, moderadamente ácidos, fertilidad moderada, erosión moderada",Asociación Campoalegre - San Juan: Lithic Hapludands; Typic Dystropepts,Clase I
This means that this sector corresponds in the Unified Soil Classification System with "CB", subclass "CBg2", landscape "Mountain", climate "Medium humid and very humid", type of relief "Rows and beams", lithology "Volcanic ash and metamorphic rocks", Geological processes associated with "Diffuse and concentrated runoff", with "Strongly steep relief, long slopes", whose soils are "Superficial to moderately deep, excessively drained, coarse textures, moderately acidic, moderate fertility, moderate erosion", soil type "Asociación Campoalegre - San Juan: Lithic Hapludands; Typic Dystropepts,R-1soil class assigned in the study to "Class I".