Comparative Archaeology Database  |  Center for Comparative Archaeology  |  University of Pittsburgh

Filandia Settlement Dataset

Luis Gonzalo Jaramillo E., Elizabeth Ramos Roca,
Julián Andrés Escobar Tovar

The data files provide information about each stratigraphic unit including area and ceramic sherd counts.


[Comma delimited UTF-8 format]
[Excel format]


Each line in the .CSV file represents one stratigraphic unit. There are 128 lines, each with 8 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:

1 Corte: Stratigraphic cut
2 Nivel: The level within a cut represented by each stratigraphic unit
3 Lote: A collection of archaeological materials from a discrete collection unit; such as a shovel test, a surface collection, an artificial level within an excavation, or a feature
4 Área (m²): Area of each stratigraphic unit in square meters
5 Espesor: Thickness of stratigraphic unit in meters
6 Volumen (m3): Total volume of stratigraphic unit in cubic meters
7 Total tiestos: Number of ceramic sherds found within each unit
8 Densidad: Density of sherds within each unit (sherds per cubic meter)

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:


This means that this stratigraphic unit is from level 1 of cut I. The area of this cut is 1 square meter, its thickness is 0.1 meters, and its total volume is 0.1 cubic meters. There were 0 sherds found within this unit, and it therefore represented a sherd density of 0 sherds per cubic meter.