Comparative Archaeology Database | Center for Comparative Archaeology | University of Pittsburgh
Filandia Settlement Dataset
The data files provide information about each stratigraphic unit including area and ceramic sherd counts.
[Comma delimited UTF-8 format]
[Excel format]
Each line in the .CSV file represents one stratigraphic unit. There are 128 lines, each with 8 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:
1 | Corte: Stratigraphic cut |
2 | Nivel: The level within a cut represented by each stratigraphic unit |
3 | Lote: A collection of archaeological materials from a discrete collection unit; such as a shovel test, a surface collection, an artificial level within an excavation, or a feature |
4 | Área (m²): Area of each stratigraphic unit in square meters |
5 | Espesor: Thickness of stratigraphic unit in meters |
6 | Volumen (m3): Total volume of stratigraphic unit in cubic meters |
7 | Total tiestos: Number of ceramic sherds found within each unit |
8 | Densidad: Density of sherds within each unit (sherds per cubic meter) |
The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:
This means that this stratigraphic unit is from level 1 of cut I. The area of this cut is 1 square meter, its thickness is 0.1 meters, and its total volume is 0.1 cubic meters. There were 0 sherds found within this unit, and it therefore represented a sherd density of 0 sherds per cubic meter.