Comparative Archaeology Database  |  Center for Comparative Archaeology  |  University of Pittsburgh

Filandia Settlement Dataset

Luis Gonzalo Jaramillo E., Elizabeth Ramos Roca,
Julián Andrés Escobar Tovar

The data files provide ceramic counts broken down by decoration type, color, and style for all sherds recovered from survey lots 772-1103.


[Comma delimited UTF-8 format]
[Excel format]


Each line in the .CSV file represents one survey lot. There are 266 lines, each with 26 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:

1 Lote: Numerical ID of each lot
2 Tipo de Recolección: the type of collection carried out in each lot: Prueba de pala (shovel) or Recolección superficial (surface collection)
3 SITIO: Numerical ID of site where lot was located
4 CORTE: Numerical ID of stratigraphic cut from which sample was taken
5 F. Crema Liso: Number of Filandia Crema Liso type sherds
6 F. Naranja Lisa: Number of Filandia Naranja Lisa type sherds
7 F. Marrón Pulido: Number of Filandia Marrón Pulido type sherds
8 F. Negativa sobre Blanco: Number of Filandia Negativa sobre Blanco type sherds
9 F. Café Moteado: Number of Filandia Café Moteado type sherds
10 F. Negra: Number of Filandia Negra type sherds
11 F. Policromo: Number of Filandia Policromo type sherds
12 F. Blanco sobre Rojo Zonal: Number of Filandia Blanco sobre Rojo Zonal type sherds
13 F. Rojo Engobado Grueso: Number of Filandia Rojo Engobado Grueso type sherds
14 F. Pintura Negativa Zonal: Number of Filandia Pintura Negativa Zonal type sherds
15 F. Pintura Negativa en Líneas: Number of Filandia Pintura Negativa en Líneas type sherds
16 F. Naranja: Number of Filandia Naranja type sherds
17 F.Rojizo Arenoso: Number of Filandia Rojizo Arenoso type sherds
18 F.Café Rojizo: Number of Filandia Café Rojizo type sherds
19 F.Crema Arenoso: Number of Filandia Crema Arenoso type sherds
20 F. Blanco Grueso sobre Rojo: Number of Filandia Blanco Grueso sobre Rojo type sherds
21 F. Rojo Impreso Tubular: Number of Filandia Rojo Impreso Tubular type sherds
22 F. Crema Burdo: Number of Filandia Crema Burdo type sherds
23 F. Rojo Engobado Delgado: Number of Filandia Rojo Engobado Delgado type sherds
24 N.N.: Number of sherds in each lot of an indeterminate type
25 TOTAL: Total number of sherds in each lot
26 Observaciones: General observations/notes

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:

772,Prueba de Pala,PQ 130,VIII y IX,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,0,5,

This means that ceramics belonging to survey lot 772 (site PQ 130, cuts 8 and 9) and were collected using a shovel and consisted of one Filandia Negativa sobre Blanco type sherd and four Filandia Rojo Engobado Delgado type sherds.