Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh
Pedregal Dataset |
The data files METAL.TXT and METAL.XLS provide the counts of different metal artifacts recovered during excavations at Pedregal site. METAL.TXT is an ASCII text file, and METAL.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line represents one context. There are 21 lines in the text file, each with 10 variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:
1 |
Context |
2 |
Bag number |
3 |
Sector. Designates the sector of the site (A-E). |
4 |
Area. Designates specific areas within each sector. |
5 |
Unit. Designates excavation unit (1-6) or test pit (PP1-33). |
6 |
Feature |
7 |
Level |
8 |
Number of metal objects in context. |
9 |
Description of objects in Spanish. |
10 |
Description of objects in English. |
The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:
This indicates that the metal artifacts come from context 44, bag 16, sector A, Area 2, Unit 1, Feature 0, Level 1. This context yielded a total of 1 metal artifact, which was a needle.
The last, or 21st, line of the ASCII text file is:
This indicates that the metal artifacts come from context 386, bag 2408, sector A, Area 2, Unit 4, Feature 0, Level 2. This context yielded a total of 2 metal artifacts, which were slags.
Download the file METAL.TXT (2 KB) or the file METAL.XLS (21 KB).