Pedregal Map
The location of site features, surface structures, and excavated units within the Pedregal site is provided as an AutoCAD (Release 12) .DXF file named MAP.DXF.
The layers in this drawing, their colors, and the information contained on each are as follows:
CAMINO_MODERNO (white/black): AutoCAD polylines that delimit the extents of the modern road.
CAMINO_PREHISPANICO (white/black): AutoCAD polylines that delimit the extents of the prehispanic road.
CEMENTERIO (white/black): AutoCAD closed polylines that delimit the prehispanic cemetery area, recognized on the basis of extensive looting and fragments of human skeletal material on the surface.
CONT-MNR (light gray): AutoCAD polylines which show the site's topographic contour. The Z value of each line is equal to its elevation (meters above sea level).
CORTES (green): AutoCAD closed polylines that show the location of all test pits excavated at the Pedregal site. Test pits are designated with the label "PP" and their number in the layer TEXTO_CORTES.
MUROS (white/black): AutoCAD polylines that show the location of surface wall evidence at the Pedregal site.
PERFILES (light green): AutoCAD polylines that show the location of profiled looters’ cuts into the platforms. Cuts were cleaned, recorded, and numbered.
PERIMETRO CERAMICA (white/black): AutoCAD closed polylines that delimit the extent of ceramic materials on the surface.
PISTA_DE_ATERRIZAJE (white/black): AutoCAD polylines that delimit the extents of the modern landing strip that cuts across the site.
PLATAFORMAS (dark grey): AutoCAD closed polylines that delimit the location and extents of platform mounds.
SECTOR_LOCATIONS (white/black): AutoCAD text strings that provide rough locations for each sector of the site.
TEXTO_CORTES (white/black): AutoCAD text strings that provide labels for test pits and excavations units.
UNIDADES (red): AutoCAD closed polylines that show the location of larger (3 x 3 m) excavated units within the Pedregal site. Units are designated with the label "U" and their number in the layer TEXTO_CORTES.
Download the file MAP.DXF (1.01 MB).
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