Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh
Pedregal Dataset |
The data files FISH.TXT and FISH.XLS provide the number of specimens of different fish species for each context and bag within the Pedregal site. FISH.TXT is an ASCII text file, and FISH.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line represents one bag. There are 483 lines in the text file, each with 20 variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:
1 |
Context |
2 |
Bag |
3 |
Number of Mustelus sp. specimens |
4 |
Number of Rhinobatos planiceps specimens |
5 |
Number of Isurus oxyrhynchus specimens |
6 |
Number of Sardinops sagax specimens |
7 |
Number of Galeichthys peruvianus specimens |
8 |
Number of Mugil cephalus specimens |
9 |
Number of Merluccius gayi specimens |
10 |
Number of Labrisomus philippii specimens |
11 |
Number of Trachurus symmetricus specimens |
12 |
Number of Paralonchurus peruanus specimens |
13 |
Number of Cynoscion analis specimens |
14 |
Number of Sciaena deliciosa specimens |
15 |
Number of Sciaena sp. specimens |
16 |
Number of Engraulis ringens specimens |
17 |
Number of Caulolatilus cabezon specimens |
18 |
Number of Stellifer minor specimens |
19 |
Number of Brycon sp. specimens |
20 |
Number of unidentified fish specimens |
The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:
This indicates that the specimens come from context 5, bag 122, which contained a single Paralonchurus peruanus specimen.
The last, or 483th, line of the ASCII text file is:
This indicates that the specimens come from context 669, bag 2765, which contained 2 Sciaena deliciosa specimens.
Download the file FISH.TXT (22 KB) or the file FISH.XLS (93 KB).