Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh
Pedregal Dataset |
The data files CERAMICDIAGNOSTICS.TXT and CERAMICDIAGNOSTICS.XLS contain data on the dimensions, type, and additional characteristics of all diagnostic sherds recovered from excavations at the Pedregal site. CERAMICDIAGNOSTICS.TXT is an ASCII text file, and CERAMICDIAGNOSTICS.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line represents one diagnostic sherd. There are 1989 lines in the text file, each with 29 variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:
1 |
Context Note: Surface collections were not assigned excavation context numbers, and were thus assigned a value of 0 for this variable. 999 represents missing data. Additionally, several contexts may have more than one bag number (for example, when more than one bag was needed to hold the sherds from that context, or when a diagnostic sherd was recovered from a soil sample which then required its own bag). |
2 |
Bag number |
3 |
Sherd number |
4 |
Sherd thickness (average, mm) |
5 |
Temper size: 1=fine (<2.5mm) 2=medium (2.5-5mm) 3=large (5mm-1cm) 4=very large (>1cm) |
6 |
Temper type: 1=sand 2=shell 3=stone 8=other 9=unknown |
7 |
Color: 1=orange 2=red 3=brown 4=gray 8=other |
8 |
Firing: 1=complete 2=incomplete |
9 |
Form: 1=olla 2=tazón 3=jar 4=tinaja 5=plate 6=rallador (grater) 7=neckless olla 8=other 9=unknown 10=unknown restricted mouth 11=unknown open mouth 12=other 13=bottle |
10 |
Part: 1=body 2=rim 3=neck/shoulder 4=base 5=handle 8=other 9=unknown |
11 |
Rim type: 1=straight 2=everted 3=incurving 4=carinated 4.1=sharp carination 4.2=soft carination 5=C-shape 6=S-shape 7=platform 8=other 9=unknown 10=concave |
12 |
Rim diameter (cm) |
13 |
Lip type 1=round 2=square/flat 3=indented 4=pointed 8=other |
14 |
Neck type 1=straight 2=everted 3=incurving 4=faceneck 5=undulating 8=other 9=unknown |
15 |
Neck height. Height from lip to shoulder.![]() |
16 |
Lip to carination. Distance from lip to carination.![]() |
17 |
Carination to shoulder. Distance from carination to shoulder. ![]() |
18 |
Sum of the distance from lip to carination (sum of variables 15 and 16). (‘a’ in Figure A.1 of the dissertation associated with this dataset) to the distance from neck to carination (‘b’ in Figure A.1). |
19 |
Carination extent. Measures the triangle created by lip to carination + neck to carination over neck height (‘a’ + ‘b’ / ‘c’ in Figure A.1 of the dissertation associated with this dataset). |
20 |
Carination ratio. The ratio of the distance from lip to carination (‘a’ in Figure A.1 of the dissertation associated with this dataset) to the distance from neck to carination (‘b’ in Figure A.1). |
21 |
Base type: 1=flat 2=low ring 3=high ring 4=rounded 8=other 9=unknown |
22 |
Base height (for ring bases). Height from ground to bottom of vessel. |
23 |
Handle type: 1=flat/strap 2=D-shape 3=round 4=molded (adorno) 5= pierced lug 6=unpierced lug 7=two strands 8=three strands 9=unknown 10=other |
24 |
Body: 1=present |
25 |
External finish:
0=no finish 1=slip 2=paint 2.1=cream 2.2=red 2.3=cream and red 2.4=black 2.5=cream and black 2.6=red and black 2.7=cream, red, and black 2.8=other 3=burnished 8=other 9=unknown |
26 |
Internal finish 0=no finish 1=slip 2=paint 2.1=cream 2.2=red 2.3=cream and red 2.4=black 2.5=cream and black 2.6=red and black 2.7=cream, red, and black 2.8=other 3=burnished 8=other 9=unknown |
27 |
Decoration: 0=no decoration 1=paleteado (see Appendix E of the dissertation associated to this dataset) 1.1=square 1.2=rhombus 1.3=square with circle 1.4=linear 1.5=combination 1.6=spiral 1.7=other 2=applique 3=molded 3.1 piel de ganso or related 3.2 Lambayeque press-molded (see Appendix E of the dissertation associated to this dataset) 3.3 faceneck or related 4=incised 8=other 9=unknown |
28 |
0=none 1=fire-blackening 2=hole 8=other 9=unknown |
29 |
Type. Please refer to Appendix E of the dissertation associated to this dataset for a more detailed explanation of different ceramic types. |
The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:
0,1,1,7.98,1,1,1,1,olla,2,4,8,1,,19.93,12.4,12.09,24.49,1.228800803,1.025641026,,,,,2.2,1,,,olla B1
This indicates that the diagnostic sherd comes from context 0, which was a surface collection. It is in bag 1 and its sherd number is 1. The sherd thickness is 8 mm. Its temper size is fine, temper type is sand, and the color is orange. The firing is complete and it comes from the rim of an olla. It has a carinated rim type with an overall rim diameter of 8 cm. the lip type is round and there is no neck type specified. The neck height is 20 mm, the lip to carination length is 12 mm, and the carination to shoulder is 12 mm. The sum of the neck height and the lip to carination length is 24. The carination extent is 1.228800803, and the carination ratio is 1.025641026. Since this is not a base, no base variables are specified. The external finish is red, and the internal finish is slip. No decoration or usewear is specified. The type is olla B1.
The last, or 1989th, line of the ASCII text file is:
999,2817,3,8.32,2,3,3,1,olla,2,4.2,14,1,,30.77,13.07,15.8,,,0.82721519,,,,,2.1,2.1,,,olla C1
This indicates that the diagnostic sherd comes from context 999, or missing data. It is in bag 2817 and its sherd number is 5. The sherd thickness is 8.3 mm. Its temper size is medium, temper type is stone, and the color is orange. The firing is complete and it comes from the rim of an olla. It has a soft carination rim type with an overall rim diameter of 14 cm. the lip type is round and there is no neck type specified. The neck height is 31 mm, the lip to carination length is 13 mm, and the carination to shoulder is 16 mm. The sum of the neck height and the lip to carination length is not specified, not is the carination extent. The carination ratio is 0.82721519. Since this is not a base, no base variables are specified. The external finish is cream, and the internal finish is cream. No decoration or usewear is specified. The type is olla C1.
Download the file CERAMICDIAGNOSTICS.TXT (145 KB) or the file CERAMICDIAGNOSTICS.XLS (489 KB).