Soil Map
SOIL.DXF is a soil map showing the soilscapes of the Quijos survey area. The soilscapes are indicated as closed AutoCAD polylines, with each soilscape on a separate layer. AutoCAD drawing units are meters. The layers and their contents are as follows:
2_1 (color 82) -- Soilscape 2.1: Medium and low flanks of the Cordillera Oriental, moderate relief, Typic Hydrandepts
2_2 (color 70) -- Soilscape 2.2: Medium and low flanks of the Cordillera Oriental, montainous relief, Lithic Hydrandepts
3_1 (color 164) -- Soilscape 3.1: Quijos River Canyon, high plains, Typic Hydrandepts
3_2 (color 160) -- Soilscape 3.2: Quijos River canyon, rocky outcrops, no soil
4_2 (color 10) -- Soilscape 4.2: Cosanga Corridor, low hilly relief, Paralithic Hydrandepts
5_1 (color 220) -- Soilscape 5.1: Depositional environment, floodplains, Fluvalentic Hydrandepts
5_2 (color 232) -- Soilscape 5.2: Depositional environment, high alluvial terraces, Entic Hydrandepts
5_3 (color 244) -- Soilscape 5.3: Depositional environment, eject cones, Skeletal Hydrandepts
6_1 (color 140) -- Soilscape 6.1: Denudative environment, colluvial formations, Skeletal Hydrandepts
6_2 (color 130) -- Soilscape 6.2: Denudative environment, colluvio-alluvial formations, Skeletal Hydrandepts
Download the file SOIL.DXF (860 KB).
The same information is also provided in ArcGIS .SHP format in the file SOIL.ZIP (86 KB), which uses the UTM Zone 18S (units are meters) coordinate system based on the WGS84 datum.
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