Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Quijos Settlement Dataset
Andrea M. Cuéllar

Macrobotanical Remains

The data files MACRO.TXT and MACRO.XLS contain data on all the recovered macrobotanical remains. MACRO.TXT is an ASCII text file; MACRO.XLS contains the same data in the form of an EXCEL spreadsheet. Each line represents the specimens of one taxon identified in one sample. There are 550 lines in the text file, each with six variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:

Collection technique: M=Manual; F=Flotation
Number of stratigraphic test
Stratigraphic level
Identified Taxon
Count: Number of whole grains, cotyledons or seeds/Number of fragmentary grains, cotyledons or seeds

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:


This indicates that the sample was recovered by flotation, in the stratigraphic test VQ004, in level 1. This taxon is unidentified, it is called Type 3, and there were 12 whole specimens.

The 9th line of the ASCII text file is:

F,VQ005,2,Zea mays,25,-/1

This indicates that the sample was recovered by flotation, in the stratigraphic test VQ005, in level 2. The taxon is Zea mays, called Type 25. There were no whole specimens, only one fragment.

The 12th line of the ASCII text file is:

F,VQ005,3,Zea mays,25,1/6

This indicates that the sample was recovered by flotation, in the stratigraphic test VQ005, in level 3. The taxon is Zea mays, called Type 25. There was one whole specimen and six fragments.

The last (550th) line of the ASCII text file is:

F,VQ041,8,Cyperaceae indet.,2,30

This indicates that the sample was recovered by flotation, in the stratigraphic test VQ041, in level 8. The taxon is Cyperaceae indet., called Type 2, and there were 30 whole specimens.

Click here to download the file MACRO.TXT (19 KB) or the file MACRO.XLS (76 KB).

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