Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Quijos Settlement Dataset
Andrea M. Cuéllar

Ceramic Counts from All Test Excavations

The data files EXCCOUNTS.TXT and EXCCOUNTS.XLS contain ceramic counts (by type) from all of the test pits excavated in this study (the 2x1 m test pits excavated for chronological reconstruction and the 1x1 m test pits exacavated for the collection of botanical remains). EXCCOUNTS.TXT is an ASCII text file; EXCCOUNTS.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line represents one level from a test pit. There are 317 lines in the text file, each with four variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:

Test pit and level from which the sherds came from
Number of Bermejo Thick sherds
Number of Pituro Dark Polished sherds
Number of Cosanga sherds

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:


This indicates that the data is for level 1 within test pit VQ001, where no Bermejo Thick sherds were recovered, no Pituro Dark Polished sherds were recovered, but which contained 8 Cosanga sherds.

The last (or 317th) line of the ASCII text file is:


This indicates that the data is for level 3 within test pit VQ046, where no Bermejo Thick sherds were recovered, no Pituro Dark Polished sherds were recovered, but which contained 1 Cosanga sherd.

Click here to download the file EXCCOUNTS.TXT (6 KB) or the file EXCCOUNTS.XLS (48 KB).

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