
East Profile: Scales are in cm, battleship curve at right indicates proportions of ceramic types by excavated level.

Pucalpa, Unit 1: (VQO35-169843,9950434). This was excavated on a large artificial terrace (28.4 x 9.8 m), on the east side towards the edge. Given the unusually large size and the shape of this terrace, it is difficult to ascertain its possible use, as it could have either been part of a residential complex, an open-air activity area, or a ceremonial place. This was a deep deposit (1.04m) that yielded only Cosanga sherds. The different stratigraphic layers were easily distinguishable. A carbon sample from the ninth level of excavation provided a date of 1,555 ± 32 A.D. It was collected from the southwest portion of the test, where abundant carbonized materials, ash, and sherds were found. This date falls right at the beginning of the Colonial Period and therefore seems a plausible date for Cosanga ceramics.

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