East Profile: Scales are in cm, battleship curve at right indicates proportions of ceramic types by excavated level.
Bermejo, Unit 5: (VQ030-179078,9942317). This was located on another well leveled area right below the one where VQ029 was placed, and it also seems to correspond to a residential area. Its dimensions are 11.4 by 6.7 m. The incline that divides the two leveled areas is very gentle and is covered by thick and tall grasses. The stratigraphy of this test was easy to understand. A charcoal sample collected in the ninth level of excavation, in association with Cosanga sherds, produced a radiocarbon date of 1,226 ± 32 A.D. This was part of an accumulation of carbonized material and ashes that started to appear in the eighth level of excavation, forming a dark and almost round spot where the soil was very loose. This could have corresponded to a burned post mold. The radiocarbon date seems reasonable and well within the range in which dates associated with Cosanga are expected to fall. Most of the materials were Cosanga and only four Bermejo Thick sherds were recovered.