Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh
Chifeng Settlement Dataset |
The data files SURVCERAM.TXT and SURVCERAM.XLS contain data on all ceramic variables for sherds from survey collection units. SURVCERAMTOT.TXT and SURVCERAMTOT.XLS are abridged versions of these files which contain only the total number of sherds for each period.
The sherd counts for one set of 20 collection units (04P148-04P167) are not strictly comparable to those from other units because they come from the intensive surface collecting program at Fushanzhuang carried out by Peterson (2006). Since these collections were much more intensive than those carried out in the course of regional survey, many more sherds were collected. For analysis with the rest of the regional survey dataset, these much larger collections serve to provide the proportions of sherds of different periods present in the collection unit. The density values assigned in that analysis to these collection units were based on visual assessment in the field in comparison to the density assessments regularly made during the regional survey to assure compatibility of units in that analysis. (For more detail, click here for the full account of surface sherd density data screening.) Any use of raw sherd counts from these data tables must allow for the very high values for collection units 04P148-04P167, as may be appropriate, depending on the nature of the analysis being carried out.
Two sets of collection units do not actually form part of the regional survey dataset at all. These are numerous systematic collections made at the two sites where stratigraphic testing was done. Their purpose was to compare conclusions derived from less intensive regional survey surface collections to those derived from much more intensive collection of surface remains and to those derived from stratigraphic testing. These two sets of collection units are identified as team T and survey tracts 01 (for the 28 intensive collections at site 674) and 06 (for the 88 collections at site 342). The locations of these collection units at the two sites appear on the site maps in the Profiles from Stratigraphic Testing section of this dataset.
Both SURVCERAM.TXT and SURVCERAMTOT.TXT are comma delimited ASCII text filess, which should be easy to import into spreadsheet, database, and statistical programs for manipulation and analysis. SURVCERAM.XLS and SURVCERAMTOT.XLS contain the same data in the form of Excel spreadsheets, which are easier to browse, and can also be imported into many programs.
For both sets of files, each line represents one survey collection unit.
There are 3458 lines, representing 3458 collection units, each with 12 variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:
1 | Key--a combination of the survey tract number, the team letter, and the collection unit number for a unique text string that identifies each collection unit |
2 | Total number of sherds |
3 | Total number of unknown (unclassified) sherds |
4 | Total number of modern sherds (post-Liao times) |
5 | Total number of Xinglongwa sherds |
6 | Total number of Zhaobaogou sherds |
7 | Total number of Hongshan sherds |
8 | Total number of Xiaoheyan sherds |
9 | Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds |
10 | Total number of Upper Xiajiadian sherds |
11 | Total number of Zhanguo-Han sherds |
12 | Total number of Liao sherds |
The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:
This means that the ceramics belong to the collection unit with the key 00A001. There were 28 sherds in total, out of which 10 were unclassified. There was 1 modern (post-Liao) sherd. The collection also yielded 13 Lower Xiajiadian sherds, and 4 Zhanguo-Han sherds. No sherds from any other period were recovered.
The last, or 3458th line of the ASCII text file is:
This means that the ceramics belong to the collection unit with the key 99E147. There were 16 sherds in total, and none were unclassified. There were 7 modern (post-Liao) sherds. The collection also yielded 9 Liao sherds. No sherds from any other period were recovered.
Click here to download the file SURVCERAMTOT.TXT (106 KB) or the file SURVCERAMTOT.XLS (433 KB).
There are 3458 lines, representing 3458 collection units, each with 134 variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:
1 | Key--a combination of the survey tract number, the team letter, and the collection unit number for a unique text string that identifies each collection unit |
2 | Total number of sherds |
3 | Total number of unknown (unclassified) sherds |
4 | Total number of modern sherds (post-Liao times) |
5 | Total number of Liao Sherds |
6 | Total number of Xinglongwa sherds |
7 | Decoration: Total number of Xinglongwa sherds decorated with Xuanwen motif |
8 | Decoration: Total number of Xinglongwa sherds decorated with Horizontal Z motif |
9 | Decoration: Total number of Xinglongwa sherds decorated with Vertical Z motif |
10 | Decoration: Total number of Xinglongwa sherds decorated with X motif |
11 | Decoration: Total number of Xinglongwa sherds decorated with Kengdianwen motif |
12 | Decoration: Total number of Xinglongwa sherds decorated with Duiwen motif |
13 | Vessel forms: Total number of Xinglongwa sherds from Guan vessels |
14 | Vessel forms: Total number of Xinglongwa sherds from Bo vessels |
15 | Total number of Zhaobaogou sherds |
16 | Decoration: Total number of Zhaobaogou sherds decorated with Horizontal Z motif |
17 | Decoration: Total number of Zhaobaogou sherds decorated with Vertical Z motif |
18 | Decoration: Total number of Zhaobaogou sherds decorated with Geometric motif |
19 | Decoration: Total number of Zhaobaogou sherds without decoration |
20 | Vessel forms: Total number of Zhaobaogou sherds from fine-paste Guan vessels |
21 | Vessel forms: Total number of Zhaobaogou sherds from fine-paste Bo vessels |
22 | Vessel forms: Total number of Zhaobaogou sherds from fine-paste Hu vessels |
23 | Vessel forms: Total number of Zhaobaogou sherds from fine-paste Ring-based Bowl vessels |
24 | Vessel forms: Total number of Zhaobaogou sherds from fine-paste Oval-base Guan vessels |
25 | Vessel forms: Total number of Zhaobaogou sherds from fine-paste Other vessels |
26 | Vessel forms: Total number of Zhaobaogou sherds from coarse-paste Guan vessels |
27 | Vessel forms: Total number of Zhaobaogou sherds from coarse-paste Bo vessels |
28 | Vessel forms: Total number of Zhaobaogou sherds from coarse-paste Hu vessels |
29 | Vessel forms: Total number of Zhaobaogou sherds from coarse-paste Ring-based Bowl vessels |
30 | Vessel forms: Total number of Zhaobaogou sherds from coarse-paste Oval-base Guan vessels |
31 | Vessel forms: Total number of Zhaobaogou sherds from coarse-paste Other vessels |
32 | Total number of Hongshan sherds |
33 | Decoration: Total number of Hongshan sherds decorated with Horizontal Z motif |
34 | Decoration: Total number of Hongshan sherds decorated with Vertical Z motif |
35 | Decoration: Total number of Hongshan sherds decorated with Incised motif |
36 | Decoration: Total number of Hongshan sherds decorated with Paint |
37 | Decoration: Total number of Hongshan sherds decorated with Mat Impressions |
38 | Decoration: Total number of Hongshan sherds decorated with Duiwen motif |
39 | Decoration: Total number of Hongshan sherds without decoration |
40 | Vessel forms: Total number of Hongshan sherds from fine-paste Guan vessels |
41 | Vessel forms: Total number of Hongshan sherds from fine-paste Bo vessels |
42 | Vessel forms: Total number of Hongshan sherds from fine-paste Hu vessels |
43 | Vessel forms: Total number of Hongshan sherds from fine-paste Weng vessels |
44 | Vessel forms: Total number of Hongshan sherds from fine-paste Slant Mouth vessels |
45 | Vessel forms: Total number of Hongshan sherds from fine-paste Cylinder vessels |
46 | Vessel forms: Total number of Hongshan sherds from fine-paste Other vessels |
47 | Vessel forms: Total number of Hongshan sherds from coarse-paste Guan vessels |
48 | Vessel forms: Total number of Hongshan sherds from coarse-paste Bo vessels |
49 | Vessel forms: Total number of Hongshan sherds from coarse-paste Hu vessels |
50 | Vessel forms: Total number of Hongshan sherds from coarse-paste Weng vessels |
51 | Vessel forms: Total number of Hongshan sherds from coarse-paste Slant Mouth vessels |
52 | Vessel forms: Total number of Hongshan sherds from coarse-paste Cylinder vessels |
53 | Vessel forms: Total number of Hongshan sherds from coarse-paste Other vessels |
54 | Total number of Xiaoheyan sherds |
55 | Decoration: Total number of Xiaoheyan sherds decorated with Xianwen motif |
56 | Decoration: Total number of Xiaoheyan sherds decorated with X Xianwen motif |
57 | Decoration: Total number of Xiaoheyan sherds decorated with Applied Strips |
58 | Decoration: Total number of Xiaoheyan sherds decorated with Duiwen motif |
59 | Decoration: Total number of Xiaoheyan sherds decorated with Paint |
60 | Decoration: Total number of Xiaoheyan sherds decorated with Red Slip motif |
61 | Decoration: Total number of Xiaoheyan sherds without decoration |
62 | Vessel forms: Total number of Xiaoheyan sherds from fine-paste Guan vessels |
63 | Vessel forms: Total number of Xiaoheyan sherds from fine-paste Bo vessels |
64 | Vessel forms: Total number of Xiaoheyan sherds from fine-paste Dou vessels |
65 | Vessel forms: Total number of Xiaoheyan sherds from fine-paste Zun vessels |
66 | Vessel forms: Total number of Xiaoheyan sherds from fine-paste Other vessels |
67 | Vessel forms: Total number of Xiaoheyan sherds from coarse-paste Guan vessels |
68 | Vessel forms: Total number of Xiaoheyan sherds from coarse-paste Bo vessels |
69 | Vessel forms: Total number of Xiaoheyan sherds from coarse-paste Dou vessels |
70 | Vessel forms: Total number of Xiaoheyan sherds from coarse-paste Zun vessels |
71 | Vessel forms: Total number of Xiaoheyan sherds from coarse-paste Other vessels |
72 | Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds |
73 | Decoration: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds decorated with Basket Impressions |
74 | Decoration: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds decorated with Rope Impressions |
75 | Decoration: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds decorated with Rope Impressed X or W motif |
76 | Decoration: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds decorated with Incised motif |
77 | Decoration: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds decorated with Paint |
78 | Decoration: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds decorated with Slip |
79 | Decoration: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds decorated with Duiwen motif |
80 | Decoration: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds without decoration |
81 | Vessel forms: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds from fine-paste Guan vessels |
82 | Vessel forms: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds from fine-paste Bo vessels |
83 | Vessel forms: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds from fine-paste Dou vessels |
84 | Vessel forms: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds from fine-paste Zun vessels |
85 | Vessel forms: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds from fine-paste Pen vessels |
86 | Vessel forms: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds from fine-paste Li vessels |
87 | Vessel forms: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds from fine-paste Yan vessels |
88 | Vessel forms: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds from fine-paste Ding vessels |
89 | Vessel forms: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds from fine-paste Pan vessels |
90 | Vessel forms: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds from fine-paste Weng vessels |
91 | Vessel forms: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds from fine-paste Hu vessels |
92 | Vessel forms: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds from fine-paste Other vessels |
93 | Vessel forms: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds from coarse-paste Guan vessels |
94 | Vessel forms: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds from coarse-paste Bo vessels |
95 | Vessel forms: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds from coarse-paste Dou vessels |
96 | Vessel forms: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds from coarse-paste Zun vessels |
97 | Vessel forms: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds from coarse-paste Pen vessels |
98 | Vessel forms: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds from coarse-paste Li vessels |
99 | Vessel forms: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds from coarse-paste Yan vessels |
100 | Vessel forms: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds from coarse-paste Ding vessels |
101 | Vessel forms: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds from coarse-paste Pan vessels |
102 | Vessel forms: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds from coarse-paste Weng vessels |
103 | Vessel forms: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds from coarse-paste Hu vessels |
104 | Vessel forms: Total number of Lower Xiajiadian sherds from coarse-paste Other vessels |
105 | Total number of Upper Xiajiadian sherds |
106 | Decoration: Total number of Upper Xiajiadian sherds decorated with Duiwen motif |
107 | Decoration: Total number of Upper Xiajiadian sherds decorated with Red Slip |
108 | Decoration: Total number of Upper Xiajiadian sherds decorated with Paint |
109 | Decoration: Total number of Upper Xiajiadian sherds without decoration |
110 | Vessel forms: Total number of Upper Xiajiadian sherds from fine-paste Guan vessels |
111 | Vessel forms: Total number of Upper Xiajiadian sherds from fine-paste Bo vessels |
112 | Vessel forms: Total number of Upper Xiajiadian sherds from fine-paste Dou vessels |
113 | Vessel forms: Total number of Upper Xiajiadian sherds from fine-paste Pen vessels |
114 | Vessel forms: Total number of Upper Xiajiadian sherds from fine-paste Li vessels |
115 | Vessel forms: Total number of Upper Xiajiadian sherds from fine-paste Yan vessels |
116 | Vessel forms: Total number of Upper Xiajiadian sherds from fine-paste Other vessels |
117 | Vessel forms: Total number of Upper Xiajiadian sherds from coarse-paste Guan vessels |
118 | Vessel forms: Total number of Upper Xiajiadian sherds from coarse-paste Bo vessels |
119 | Vessel forms: Total number of Upper Xiajiadian sherds from coarse-paste Dou vessels |
120 | Vessel forms: Total number of Upper Xiajiadian sherds from coarse-paste Pen vessels |
121 | Vessel forms: Total number of Upper Xiajiadian sherds from coarse-paste Li vessels |
122 | Vessel forms: Total number of Upper Xiajiadian sherds from coarse-paste Yan vessels |
123 | Vessel forms: Total number of Upper Xiajiadian sherds from coarse-paste Other vessels |
124 | Total number of Zhanguo-Han sherds |
125 | Decoration: Total number of Zhanguo-Han sherds decorated with Rope Impressions |
126 | Decoration: Total number of Zhanguo-Han sherds decorated with Rope Impressed X or W motif |
127 | Decoration: Total number of Zhanguo-Han sherds decorated with Xuanwen motif |
128 | Decoration: Total number of Zhanguo-Han sherds decorated with Mica Temper |
129 | Decoration: Total number of Zhanguo-Han sherds without decoration |
130 | Vessel forms: Total number of Zhanguo-Han sherds from Guan vessels |
131 | Vessel forms: Total number of Zhanguo-Han sherds from Bo vessels |
132 | Vessel forms: Total number of Zhanguo-Han sherds from Dou vessels |
133 | Vessel forms: Total number of Zhanguo-Han sherds from Pen vessels |
134 | Vessel forms: Total number of Zhanguo-Han sherds from Fu vessels |
The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:
This means that the ceramics belong to the collection unit with the key 00A001. There were 28 sherds in total, out of which 10 were unclassified. There was 1 modern (post-Liao) sherd. The collection yielded 13 Lower Xiajiadian sherds, 3 of which were decorated with Rope Impressed X or W motif, 7 with the Duiwen motif, and 4 were undecorated. Eight of these lower Xiajiadian sherds were from fine-paste Other vessels, 1 from a coarse-paste Pen vessel, 1 from coarse-paste Yan vessel, and 3 from coarse-paste Other vessels. The collection also yielded 4 Zhanguo-Han sherds, 2 decorated with Rope Impessions and 2 undecorated. One of these sherds belonged to a Guan vessel, and 1 to a Dou vessel. No sherds from any other period were recovered.
The last, or 3458th line of the ASCII text file is:
This means that the ceramics belong to the collection unit with the key 99E147. There were 16 sherds in total, none of which were unclassified. There were 7 modern (post-Liao) sherd and 9 Liao sherds. No sherds from any other period were recovered.
Click here to download the file SURVCERAM.TXT (932 KB) or the file SURVCERAM.XLS (2.86 MB).