Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Chifeng Settlement Dataset
Chifeng International Collaborative Archaeological Research Project

Sites from Survey

The fundamental unit of analysis for the Chifeng survey data was the collection unit, not the "site." Contiguous collection units were, however, grouped into sites for convenience in the field in recording a few kinds of information that pertained to multiple collection units.

The data files SITES.TXT and SITES.XLS contain some of this information in tabular form. Site descriptions and sketch plans, where appropriate, are found in the Descriptions and Sketch Plans of Sites from Survey section of this dataset. The sites tables indicate the sites for which there is additional information in the form of descriptions or sketch plans. SITES.TXT is a comma delimited ASCII text file, which should be easy to import into spreadsheet, database, and statistical programs for manipulation and analysis. SITES.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet which is easier to browse, and can also be imported into many programs. Each line represents one site (and thus one or more collection units). There are 1580 lines, each with 17 variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:

1 Site number--Sequential number for each site beginning with 201
2 Survey tract--Two numeric characters designating a subunit of the overall survey area
3 Team--A single letter designating the survey team within the tract that recorded the site
4 Number of collections--The total number of collection units grouped together as this site
5 Collection numbers--a list of the numbers of the collection units grouped together as this site (combine with survey tract and team to form a complete unique number, e.g. 01B493 for tract 01, team B, and collection unit 493)
6 Mountain top physiographic setting: 1=yes, 0=no
7 Slope physiographic setting: 1=yes, 0=no
8 Terrace physiographic setting: 1=yes, 0=no
9 Floodplain physiographic setting: 1=yes, 0=no
10 Defensive walls visible on surface: 1=yes, 0=no
11 Defensive ditches visible on surface: 1=yes, 0=no
12 Internal walls visible on surface: 1=yes, 0=no
13 Stone circles visible on surface: 1=yes, 0=no
14 Stone piles visible on surface: 1=yes, 0=no
15 Burned earth visible on surface: 1=yes, 0=no
16 Slab graves visible on surface: 1=yes, 0=no
17 Map or description available in the Descriptions and Sketch Plans of Sites from Survey section: 1=yes, 0=no

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:


This means that the site designation is 201, in survey tract 98, and it was recorded by team A. The site is composed of 11 collection units, which are units 1-10, as well as unit 21. It is not on a mountain top or on a slope, but it is on a terrace. It is not in a floodplain, it does not have visible defensive walls or ditches, and there are no internal walls visible. The site also does not have visible stone circles or piles, burned earth, or slab graves. A sketch or description of this site is available in the Descriptions and Sketch Plans of Sites from Survey section of this dataset.

The last, or 1580th line of the ASCII text file is:


This means that the site designation is 1918, in survey tract 04, and it was recorded by team P. The site is composed of 10 collection units, which are units 158 to 167. It is not on a mountain top but on a slope. It is not on a terrace or floodplain and does not have visible defensive walls or ditches. There are no internal walls visible. The site also does not have visible stone circles or piles, burned earth, or slab graves. There is no sketch or description of this site in the Descriptions and Sketch Plans of Sites from Survey section of this dataset.

Click here to download the file SITES.TXT (67 KB) or the file SITES.XLS (303 KB).

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