Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Chifeng Settlement Dataset
Chifeng International Collaborative Archaeological Research Project

Fast Download of Entire GIS Dataset

The entire GIS dataset can be downloaded in a single operation as .ZIP files in either of two GIS formats: Idrisi (Version 15--Andes) and GEOTIFF raster files. The Idrisi dataset will consist of pairs of files with the same name and the extensions .RST and .RDC. The GEOTIFF dataset will consist of pairs of files with the same name and the extensions .TIF and .TFW. For explanations of the cell values in the layers and other details, see the descriptions on the download pages for the individual layers.

For Idrisi files (as well as the AutoCAD .DXF files), download the file GIS_IDRISI.ZIP (65 MB).

For GEOTIFF files (as well as the AutoCAD .DXF files), download the file GIS_TIFF.ZIP (65 MB).

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