Collection Units Map
The "raw" locational data for all the individual collection units in the Chifeng survey area are provided as an AutoCAD (Release 12) .DXF file named COLLUNITS.DXF. The layers in this drawing, their colors, and the information contained on each are as follows:
- COLL_UNITS (Yellow): AutoCAD closed polylines enclosing the areas represented by each of the individual collection units.
- UNIT_NOS (Cyan): AutoCAD text entities consisting of two numeric digits, followed by one alphabetic letter, followed by three numeric digits, all as a single text string. These text strings correspond to the "Key" variables in the tables of numeric data on collection units. The insertion points of the text entities are inside the closed polylines delineating the collection unit they correspond to for AutoCAD or other programs capable of associating labels with polylines in this way.
- SITE_NOS (Blue): AutoCAD text entities labeling the "sites" (one or more contiguous collection units) according to which some kinds of information in the numeric data files were recorded.
- SURVBND (Red): An AutoCAD closed polyline delineating the maximum extents of the survey area.
Click here to download the file COLLUNITS.DXF (4.61 MB).
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