Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Valle de Tena Dataset
Pedro María Argüello García

Ceramic Inventory

The data files CERAMIC.TXT and CERAMIC.XLS provide sherd counts by period for each collection lot registered during the Valle de Tena survey. CERAMIC.TXT is a comma delimited ASCII text file; CERAMIC.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line in the ASCII file corresponds to one collection lot. There are 115 lines, each with 9 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:

1 Lot ID number. The designated ID number for every collection lot of roughly one hectare or less. When a surface scatter exceeded one hectare, it was subdivided into several collection lots and each was given its own lot number.
2 Site ID number. Contiguous collection lots were also given a "site" ID number in addition to the individual collection lot numbers that made up the surface scatter.
3 Lot/Site label. Text strings combining the lot ID number and the site ID number that match the text strings in the GIS dataset (LOTS.DXF, the location of all collection lots).
4 Collection method:

SC=surface collection. In places with good surface visibility, when a sherd scatter was recognized, team members collected every sherd that was encountered within that area, which was designated a collection lot.

SP=shovel probe. In places of low or no visibility, shovel probes were carried out at intervals of 100 meters. The contents of positive test pits, then, represent the one-hectare lot they are located in.
5 Number of sherds from the collection belonging to the Herrera period.
6 Number of sherds from the collection belonging to the Early Muisca period.
7 Number of sherds from the collection belonging to the Late Muisca period.
8 Number of sherds from the collection belonging to the Modern period.
9 Number of unclassified sherds.

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:


This means that ceramic materials belong to collection lot 1, site 11, thus the lot/site label is 1/11. The collection method was a shovel probe, which produced 0 Herrera sherds, 0 Early Muisca sherds, 0 Late Muisca sherds, 0 Modern sherds, and 2 unclassified sherds.

The last, or 115 line of the ASCII text file is:


This means that ceramic materials belong to collection lot 165, site 91, thus the lot/site label is 165/91. The collection method was a shovel probe, which produced 4 Herrera sherds, 0 Early Muisca sherds, 0 Late Muisca sherds, 0 Modern sherds, and 0 unclassified sherds.

Download the file CERAMIC.TXT (3 KB) or the file CERAMIC.XLS (35 KB).

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