Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Copán Valley and La Entrada Region Dataset
Kazuo Aoyama


Worked Materials on Chipped Stone Artifacts from Each Context,
Early Classic Period, Copan Valley.


This file contains the data in a spreadsheet, Excel format (.xls), to be read directly. Click here to see the file TAB_A06.XLS (24,064 bytes).


This file contains the data from 13 contexts with lithic artifacts from the Copan valley. The contents for every context are presented in one line, the data file TAB_A06.TXT has 13 lines, with 16 separated with commas.The 16 variables are, in the following order:

1 Physiographic zone
2 Sub-community
3 Group
4 Operation
5 Lot number
6 Context
7 Wood or other plants (N)
8 Wood or other plants (%)
9 Meat or hide (N)
10 Meat or hide (%)
11 Shell, bone, or antler (N)
12 Shell, bone, or antler (%)
13 Unidentified (N)
14 Unidentified (%)
15 Total IUZ (N)
16 Total IUZ (%)

The first line of the file, for example, looks like this:

"Vega","El Bosque","","IV/99","31,32,36,37","midden",67,54.5, 48,39.0,0,0,8,6.5,123,100.0

The first context analyzed belongs to the physiographic zone "Vega", subcommunity "El Bosque", no group. It belongs to the operation "IV/99", lot numbers "31,32, 36, 37" and the context is a "midden". There are 67 artifacts (54.5%) used in wood or other plants. There are 48 artifacts (39.0%) used in meat or hide. There are 0 artifacts (0%) used in shell, bone, or antler. There are 8 artifacts (6.5%) used in unidentified materials. Independent Use Zones (IUZ) Total: 123 (100.0%). The quotation marks around "Vega" and "El Bosque" indicate that these variables are alphanumeric and "" indicates the absence of data.

The last (13th) line is:

"Vega","Principal Group","10L-2","Great Plaza"," V/63/7","midden",54,58.1,36,38.7,0,0,3,3.2,93,100.0

Which indicates the physiographic zone "Vega", subcommunity "Principal Group", group "10L-2". It belongs to the operation "Great Plaza", lot number V/63/7 and the context is a "midden". There are 54 artifacts (58.1%) used in wood or other plants. There are 36 artifacts (38.7%) used in meat or hide. There are 0 artifacts (0%) used in shell, bone, or antler. There are 3 artifacts (3.2%) used in unidentified materials. Independent Use Zones (IUZ) Total: 93 (100.0%).The quotation marks around "Vega" and "El Bosque" indicate that these variables are alphanumeric and "" indicates the absence of data.

Click here to download the fileTAB_A6.TXT (21,736 bytes).

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