Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh
Las Vegas Fauna Dataset |
The files ICHTHYO.TXT and ICHTHYO.XLS provide taxa information about fish specimens recovered at each excavated context in the various Vegas sites. ICHTHYO.TXT is a comma delimited ASCII text file; ICHTHYO.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line in the ASCII file represents all the elements of the same species within a context. There are 848 lines, each with 22 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:
1 | Site number |
2 | Phase (if available) |
3 | New context number (if available). See the following PDF for a reconciliation of trench locations to new context numbers. For the location of the original context designations, please refer to Figure 1.5 of the publication associated with this dataset. |
4 | American Museum of Natural History specimen number (if available) |
5 | Florida Museum of Natural History specimen number (if available) |
6 | Trench |
7 | Quadrat (Section) |
8 | Provenience |
9 | Level (depth below datum in cm) |
10 | Number of fragments of elements of the same species within this context |
11 | Weight (g) (to 0.01) |
12 | MNI |
13 | Class C. = Chondrichthyes A. = Actinopterygii |
14 | Order SEL = Selachimorpha BAT = Batoidea |
15 | Family (n.i. = not identified) |
16 | Genus |
17 | Species |
18 | Element |
19 | Portion C = caudal PC = precaudal (sometimes followed by the number of the vertebra; e.g. PC1 = "precaudal one" or the first vertebra) PU = preural |
20 | Side R = right L = left A = axial |
21 | Comments |
22 | Estimated live weight of the fish based upon specimen size (g) |
The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:
OGSE-80,Late ,?,,,B,101-1,,0-20 cm,1,0.25,1,C.,SEL,Carcharhinidae,,,vertebra,,,,
This means that the specimens belong to site OGSE-80 and date to the Late period. They were recovered from trench B, quadrat 101-1, at a depth of 0-20 cm below datum. There is one specimen with a weight of 0.25 g belonging to the class Chondrichthyes, order Selachimorpha, family Carcharhinidae. The specimen is a vertebra.
The last, or 848th line of the ASCII text file is:
OGSE-38,,,,,,cut 2,,1,3,0.07,,A.,,n. i.,,,,,,,
This means that the specimens belong to site OGSE-38, recovered from the quadrat labeled "cut 2," level 1. There are three specimens with a total weight of 0.07 g belonging to the class Actinopterygii. The family of the specimens is not identified.
Download the file ICHTHYO.TXT (80 KB) or the file ICHTHYO.XLS (208 KB).
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